Atención temprana en el Centro de Rehabilitación del Neurodesarrollo “Rosa Luxemburgo” de Cárdenas, Cuba
Texto completo:
Candel GI. Niños con síndrome de Down y otros problemas del desarrollo, Madrid: Edita: F.E.I.S.D Bravo Murillo, 2003. www.sindromedown.n
Menon V, D’Esposito M. The role of PFC networks in cognitive control and executive function. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2022; 47(1): 90-103.
Romeo RR, Flournoy JC, McLaughlin KA, Lengua LJ. Language development as a mechanism linking socioeconomic status to executive functioning development in preschool. Developmental science. 2022; 25(5): e13227.
Ayar G, Yalçın SS, Tanıdır Artan Ö, Güneş HT, Çöp E. Strengths and difficulties in children with specific learning disabilities. Child: Care, Health and Development. 2022; 48(1): 55-67.
Barnes MA, Clemens NH, Fall AM, Roberts G, Klein A, Starkey P, et al. Cognitive predictors of difficulties in math and reading in pre-kindergarten children at high risk for learning disabilities. Journal of Educational Psychology. 2020; 112(4): 685–700.
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